Happy to announce that I have successfully completed my 4th Post Graduation, and the latest one, it is in Advance Integrated Communication Programme from Xavier’s Institute of Communication, Mumbai. Another milestone, I had secured First Rank(i.e. Best student of the year) in college in one of the strenuous course.
Last year while searching for a relevant course in my field of interest, I found out that Advance Integrated Communication Programme (AICP) from Xavier’s Institute of Communications is a perfect fit for me to pursue next levels in my education qualification. It is a tough course and tiring too with weekly assignments and loads of work and handling this pressure with a full-time job is very challenging. But Xavier’s Institue of Communications[Mumbai] is one of the best communication colleges in India, so I join into this course. And Happy and Relieved that it’s over now, during this journey learned lots of new aspects in Marketing, Digital Media and communications.

Let’s look at the topics covered in this course:
Course Synopsis
- Holistic Marketing and Corporate Strategy
- Brand Portfolio Strategy
- Case Studies: Marketing Research, Analysis & Client Solutions
- Creating The Marketing Plan
- Marketing Strategy for Service Organizations
- Personal Selling and Negotiation Strategy
- Modern Retail and Retailing Management
- Direct Marketing
- Sales Promotions
- The Client – Agency Relationship
- Advertising Account Strategy
- The Creative Plan
- The Media Plan
- Advertising Production
- Creating Winning Advertising Campaigns
Corporate Communications
- Corporate Communications Strategy & PR
- Applied Corporate Communications
- The Corporate-Media Interface
- Crisis Management
- Event Management
Digital Communication & New Media
- Web Strategies in Marketing today
- New Media Today
- Digital Advertising Strategy/Campaigns
- Leveraging the Web
Senior Management Perspectives
- Organizational Communication perspectives
- Creating Integrated Campaigns – Summation
- Creating Integrated Marketing Communication Campaigns
- Diversity Discourse
So what’s next? Wait I will come with that too 🙂
After receiving Best student of the year award (First rank), Thank You Speech for AICP 2018-19 batch convocation in Xavier’s Institute of Communications, Mumbai by me:
“Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!
Today I stand here with a tremendous sense of pride as we have all assembled here to celebrate the completion of our AICP course. This is a very auspicious moment for my family and a great honor for me to receive this award. I am truly obliged for this great honor and recognition given by the management and the XIC, Mumbai.
Being honest, the journey through the course and subsequently towards this award was not easy; in fact, it was very long and tedious.Â
First, winning this honor wouldn’t have been possible without my family’s moral support and inspiration; they are truly my backbone. Thanks to them. Thanks to my Mom/Dad, my wife, and two lovely daughters, who also sacrificed something in this journey as I was always away during every Saturday and Sunday due to the classes. So, no outing, no fun trip, no functions, etc. Now hope they are very happy that their sacrifice paid off and I completed this course with good grades.
I’m sure of one thing that with conviction & hard work everything is possible. Dreams too. So, just stick to your dreams. And never feel left out, irrespective of your scores, as with time “marks, percentage, etc. will lose significance” but “what you become will always remain cool/ in vogue”.
This is not about grades and first/second position because I know that everyone in my batch is a champion and a winner, I want to thank every classmate from the bottom of my heart because not only professors/lecturers taught me something, but I learned many things from you all lovely classmates. Love to have a nice and cute family of AICP batch 2018-19.
I still remember in college initial days, many people asked me that why you joined this course? I had no answers at that moment except to say that “I love to learn new things and get as much knowledge as possible”. Today after completing this course I can say with confidence that I was not wrong. With changing market scenarios and the advent of new technologies every day, its must for everyone to abreast with the latest knowledge in your industries. During this course, I learned many things from Marketing, Brand Management, Corporate Communication, Digital Communication, and New Media…. which touched all aspect of new social media marketing as well. With the interaction of some of the brilliant minds as a faculty member during this course, this course is worth time and money spent on it. After completing this course now, a whole new domain is open in front of me to explore more in every subject taught during this course. So, learning never stops…
Very well-structured course indeed, and thanks XIC family and Rajeev sir for providing their full support during this course. He is not just a professor but a true mentor.
About XIC:
Xavier Institute of Communications (XIC) is one of the best communication colleges in India, and it’s a great achievement for me to do a course from here. The campus is simply brilliant. There is something about the campus that makes you fall in love with it. For the time I was there, I would always take a stroll and marvel at the beauty.
To our professors:
Thank you for making learning our passion. Some years from now, it will not be the grade you gave us that mattered, but the lessons you taught us through the textbooks, the discussions, and the project/assignments. You all are wonderful.
Although doctors heal, lawyers represent, contractors build, and bankers invest, you help instil in us the hunger for knowledge, the passion to learn, and help ignite the flame to set ablaze our dreams. If it were not for the teachers in our lives, you would not sit or, in my case, stand before you today.
To the administrators and staff:Â
Very humble and great staff XIC have you always supported us during our course with your technical capabilities and lovely smile on your face. Sophie, I still remember that Gulabjamun you offered me when I came to the office for the first time. Staff people log with us during Saturday and Sunday during our class to support us technically. Thank you for allowing us to make mistakes, supporting our efforts, and celebrating our accomplishments.
Last but not the least, we will surely miss our canteen Thali and kadak chai….or discussions in the canteen on our project/assignment ideas or selection of nearby affordable restaurant for lunch…
Once again thank you all…and best wishes in your future endeavors…”
Link: https://www.xaviercomm.org/diploma-courses/advanced-integrated-communication-program.htm