How many of you are facing the challenge of sending your ward to school? Different kids embrace school differently depending on their family background, school environment, and the teacher’s mannerisms.
At a tender age of two or three, kids are too small. A little scolding, harsh tone adds to their difficulties of going to the school. Sending school to my younger daughter has always been an uphill struggle for me. Whenever there is a long weekend the trouble doubles.
We have tried every possible path in establishing a good rapport between her and the school. Starting from meeting with the teachers to counseling the child. It is a common problem every other parent is facing.
The sudden pressure of leaving their Cosy couch and getting stuck in a time-bound routine builds constraints in their little minds. We have to be loving, patient and serious in dealing with children if they are unwilling to go to school.
Children need our faith in them to allow them to be understood completely. They shouldn’t be left unattended, alone and feeling insecure in their early years of a schooling. No doubt children want our shield every single second but for a toddler and a primary school child, there is always an extra baggage of worries jumping out from their school bags.
Give them extra time and more hours than you have in your watch…
Written by: Meeti Kotia
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